I created this final piece 'magazine/zine' by creating layouts on Google Slides and PowerPoint, which I then uploaded to a website titled, 'Blurb', to be printed. I took inspiration from various artistic and aesthetically pleasing magazines to create layouts and arrangements that were eye-catching and intriguing, but also highlighted my photos in their best light. As for inspiration that I took from my artists, that all comes in through the photography itself, the magazine is not inspired by any of my artists in particular, but rather as a tool to portray themes of gender through the imagery. I developed more skills and techniques that I can count throughout this project - before this I had never done photography or analysed it in any way. I have learned how to shoot portraiture effectively and composition and space plays into that. I have learned how to use colour to convey emotion and themes as well as developed by understanding of the colour theory. I have worked hard to utilise monochromacy to produce black and white imagery. However, I have also learned an exponential amount about the concept of gender and gender identity. One thing that I think is successful about my final piece is the composition. I think they way that the images have been laid out and presented is effective. I experimented with putting one image on an entire page, I also tried putting one image across two pages, and I tried to vary between symmetry and asymmetry. I found that the variety of compositions makes a successful final outcome. If I were to improve this piece or re-do it, I would be sure to add a little more research, but also spread it out more so that it's not so "wordy".
I have taken two layouts from my magazine and made them into large scale posters. They are roughly 1-metre x 0.8 metres. I have chosen to make this large scale because I believe that the size is much more impactful. When they're larger, it's easier to see all the imperfections and heavy theatrical makeup; the images are much more graphic and compelling that way. I also like how the large scale links to magazines, often the purpose of magazines is to grab your attention and advertise, therefore, the large poster scale creates a media or advert-like aesthetic. Putting yourself out on display for the public to critique and observe links to the whole idea of creating your own identity and what that means for your profile in society.