Why this topic?
I am a firm believer that as long as you are not hurting anyone or yourself, physically or emotionally, do whatever you want. I think it's so cool that nowadays people are feeling more free to embrace their identity and feelings, whether it be their sexuality, gender, orientation, preferences, or anything. I think it's important to note, however, that the world is not perfect, and society has a long way to go until we reach a "good place", whatever that is. Individual freedom? No confinements? Acceptance? Who knows. I want to explore themes of gender and educate myself as well as whoever sees my photography project and allow people to think about gender and everything that surrounds it.
Words: Camille Rainville
Narrator: Cynthia Nixon
Director: Paul McLean
Music: Louis Souyave
"Be a Lady They Said", a poem by Camille Rainville, narrated by actress Cynthia Nixon, is a painfully accurate depiction of what it means to be a woman in society. Being told, "Don’t be too fat." but at the same time, "Don’t be too thin." People telling you, "You’re too dressed up. You’re too dressed down." Contradictions like these add up to a mountain of unrealistic expectations and insecurities. This poem and imagery is an example of important information about today's society that should be known to everyone. The message in this poem adds to the reasons that I think it is crucial gender is talked about freely by everyone. I know that I am not the only one who has heard countless of the phrases mentioned in this poem. I know that being a woman in a society is, of course, different, easier than in the 1950s maybe, but humankind has a tremendous length to travel until we reach a point where everyone can be who they want to be with no expectations or limitations.
toxic masculinity
a set of attitudes and ways of behaving stereotypically associated with or expected of men, regarded as having a negative impact on men and on society as a whole
Toxic masculinity refers to the notion of harsh ideologies placed on men to act a certain way that may actually be harmful. These can include acting tough (emotionally callous, physically strong, aggressive, macho), power (obtaining social and financial status over others and demonstrating this), and antifemininity (not participating in stereotypically feminine acts, like being emotional, accepting help, or wearing pink). The pressure on many men to conform to these outdated, unrealistic, and damaging themes has devastating effects. According to the BBC, suicide is the biggest killer of men under the age of 45 in the UK. In Australia, men are 3 times more likely to commit suicide than women, 3.5 times in the US, and 4 times more likely in Russia and Argentina. Why is this? This could be due to the fact that men globally are raised from a very young age to stifle their emotions, and never ask for help, in case they are seen as "too emotional". I recently sent an anonymous survey to my male friends and family on toxic masculinity and the results were unfortunately not shocking. One person said, "I feel that I couldn’t do certain things I like around some men". When asked about toxic masculinity in their environment, one said, "I have lots in my grade that are bullied for being “smaller” or just not like the rest of the popular pack". Lastly, when asked if they ever felt like they can't dress/act how they want in fear of being mocked, 100% replied, yes. This shows a drastic amount about society and how men of all ages have to face the horrible effects of toxic masculinity daily. Not only is it damaging, but also incredibly stigmatized and brushed off. I believe that if we can get rid of this, we can produce a more enjoyable and free atmosphere for everybody.