Unit 2 - Identity
Stephanie Jung
Stephanie Jung is a street photographer who explore the city in all its bright light and busyness. She is based in Germany however she travels the world taking photos and exploring light and the vibrant chaotic cites. She also takes her photos in the day light unlike most long exposure photographers. This is because when she takes the photos in the daylight she take pictures of the building and not the lights. But she does sometimes take the photos in the dark so she can capture the street light and the ones int the buildings.
She started taking photos when she was 16 after she had the idea when she vised Paris. Since she studied photography at school and wanted improve her technics and explore the vibrant light of the city’s and the buildings she also travelled to Tokyo to improve her skill set and take more photos. She dint plan on taking photos but when she walked though city’s she couldn’t help but notice all the vibrant light and the colours.
Her aim is to capture photos of everyday things that we don’t take any notice of but when shown in a photo we start to appreciate it for what it is. She also focuses on the aspect of time and how it is not just a single movement. Also when she edited he photos she double expose them so you can see to different images merged together.she does this to try and show the diffence in time.
Photo Shoot Plan
Contact Sheet - experimenting with layering/mixed media
For my contact sheet I Took picture of paint on paper and then took long expose picture of buildings so that I can layer the pictures on to it so that they become more interesting and in depth the colour I used for the paint where yellow and red so that they were bright enough to show though the picture when I long expose them. When I took the picture of the building I took them in the dark but because most of them where not bright enough I made shore to take the picture of building with lights on inside so that there will be a contrast so the building will stand out.
Experimenting with double exposure
When I edited my photo I double exposed paint onto to the so that there will be more texture and color also I change the contrast to lighter or darker depending on the image original tone also I deseeded to double exposes some of the images upside down on its self so that is gives a mired affect. I took different angle on the paint so that when I double expose the pictures it will create different textures and will make it look like they were taken at different time in the day since there is a different type of contras in the photo.
Redraft - experimenting with double exposure
For my photo shoot I decided to take picture in Noting Hill. I took picture of interesting houses I then when I took pictures of paint on paper so then I could double exposes the pictures on the paint on to the pictures of the houses after that when I took the picture of the paint I decided to used the colour orange and to make sure the was a nice consistency I decided to used a paint roller sot that there would be no uneven bumps when I double expose the pictures on to each other.
Redraft developments - Exploring colour
To make my photos in the stile of Stephanie Jung I took the picture of paint and then double exposed it on to a picture of a house then I changed the the light on the image to make it more clear and less over exposed. I also decide to change the tone of the paint to give the pictures different affects. when I was doing the double exposure had to adjust the paint to the correct place so you could not see any bumps on the paper or any inconsistencies.
Highlighting success
These are two of my most successful edits this is because they both replicate my artist pictures they are also one of my most improvers pictures compared to my fist draft the pint that I pasted on it also on of my best ones that's why I used it on a few of my other pictures and Furthermore, there was no to much of a contrast between the picture and the paint.