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Final Piece


For my final piece I decided to take pictures on a disposable and then get them printed and then I would arrange them on a white A2 piece of paper and then I will take a picture of them and up load. them on to my computer then I will take them into photoshop then edit them. Also I will take the pictures then in photoshop and then I will take the pictures and double expose them and then I will print them out and put them in a frame for my final piece and then I will try and do a few like that so I have row of pictures.              


Developing my work - considering final piece compositions and developments


For my developments I took the disposable pictures and then I took the pictures and put them all together and then take them to photo shop and double exposes them and change the contrast or change the light.  I also cropped the picture since there was a lot of empty space and then I took some of then pictures and then double exposed them then I lower the opacity again and turn some of the pictures into black and white.

Second Final Piece Idea

For my picture I took the pictures I took when I when to I when the national British history museum then I took loads of little picture the I pasted them all together and then I used the quick select took out copy and passed some section and move it a bit so that the picture I jagged and misshaped in the style of Davide Hockney.

For my pictures I took lots of little picture then put them all together o make a bigger picture in the style of David Hockney then I painted sheets of paper then I took a pictures of that so that I could double expos the paint onto it in the style of Stephanie Jung then I take the edited pictures and put it into frames for my final piece.

Final piece edits

For my edits picture I took the picture that I took in the last photoshoot then I took the pictures will paint on then I double exposed them together to create a David Hockney and Stephanie Jung styled photo I then used the quick select tool to select and put the paint where I want it.

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