Aldo Tolino is an Austrian artist ( born in 1979 ) that specializes in media-philosophy and photography where he mutates and deconstructs human portraits using geometric shapes and origami structures, such as ; creasing, folding, tucking the surface of the paper. By doing this Tolino's work has been said to create new representations of the human face , translating the original photograph into a manipulated deformity. His work has been described as transcendent. The adjective transcendent means - beyond or above the range of normal or physical human experience. In Tolino's work I see entrapment and by that I mean that when I look at his work I see a story hidden in the folds of the paper, each fold hides a secret, hides a facial expression and I find his art very enthralling. Its very capturing and us outsiders are left to wonder how this artist decided to create work like this, what was his purpose? what is the meaning? who inspired him? That's the amazing thing about art and its artist, there could be so many perspectives when someone looks or hears a piece of art. Someone's creativity could inspire millions, lead them to grow and become successful and its come to the attention that ALL art is beautiful and unique in its own way because when someone looks at art they could regress an opinion whereas someone else might disagree. Its a game of combat and confidence. Artists let out their emotions, their trauma, their perspective of life solely through a singular thing that they have created, reaching out to those who may feel the same or are trapped or to please the passing eye.
1. a 20th century movement in art and literature that releases the creative potential of the unconscious mind, such as the irrational juxtaposition of images
2. marked by the intense reality of a dream
Aldo Tolino also specifies in surrealism, when you look at his work you see abnormality, mutations of the face.
Physical Collages - Experimenting with shape, composition and line
The following images are in the style of my 4th artist, Aldo Tolino. His work also specifies in mutations of the face and deformity. The photographs that I used are from a previous artist ( Jean Faucheur ). I printed the images and then started to fold them in different ways, crease them and sort of experiment. Some of the printed images were sculpted into fortune tellers. The way in which this artist really displays his work is by hiding the identity of the person in that image, where it gives off a peculiar notion where the word ' hidden identity ' comes in. In the process of creasing the images and folding them, I used a ruler to press down on the folds to make sure that the lines would stand out and for it then to be easier to fold if I wanted to do something else with that image. Further on from the images you can see beforehand that the images were developments scanned to make new developments. My previous artist Jean Faucheur created work that also involved strange abstract
More developments - Experimenting with exposure to show texture
Increasing the exposure of these developments really projects the folds and creases on the paper. This is an example of Aldo's work where he hides the face ( or identity ) from the outsiders looking at his work. Further known as hidden identity. I did the same style of work that he has done and I increased the exposure to really outline the creases and the folds, as this portrays how I do the photos like Aldo and what needs to be used.
Paper structure with developments ( experimenting with shapes )
I am using these paper structures for my final pieces. These are known as chatterboxes. I used images that I did for this artist, Aldo Tolino and printed them, where I then created the chatterboxes, this simple arithmetic of folding paper into a structure gives a sharpness to the developments and created an image of character in its self. I created over 20 of these structures which as you can see have been mounted on top of one another where you can see details in each structure.